stocking n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕长袜 ( opp. sock )。 2.(毛色和身体其他部分不同的)兽脚。 a pair of stockings 一双长统袜。 elastic stockings 【医学】(外科用)橡皮袜子。 stocking yarn 针织线。 horse with white stockings 白脚马。 in one's stockings [stocking-feet]光着袜底儿,不穿鞋(He is[stands] six feet in his stockings. 他不穿鞋身长六英尺)。 wear yellow stockings 妒忌,吃醋。
Cook the fish bone in some water to make a fish stock 将适量清水与鱼骨同熬成汤。
Everybodyknows that global fish stocks are heading for collapse 人人都知道全球的鱼类资源正面临枯竭的威胁。
This ratio will guarantee maintenance of natural processes , ensuring the survival of fish stocks 这比例将可维持天然的生态演化过程,以确保渔业资源不会枯竭。
Regarding loss of fish , only those cases involving a loss of at least one - third of the total fish stock by value will be considered for relief 损失海鱼的价值,必须占所养殖海鱼总值至少三分之一,才会获考虑给予援助。
Steam another 4 more minutes with mushroom and bok choy or until cooked . warm the fish stock and soup separately . pour the fish stock on the plate 先蒸星斑头尾四分钟,后再将星班头尾放到碟上与其他材料一同再蒸四分钟。
No - take zones are now being created all over the world and are a recognised tool not only for conservation but also for replenishment of fish stocks 其实,全球多处均已设立的禁捕区,早获公认为有助保护海洋生态,同时亦能增加渔业资源。
In addition , more regular cleansing and replenishment of filter materials should be conducted if the water quality is poor and or fish stock density is high 此外,如缸内的水质变差及或所饲养的活鱼数目较多,亦应更频密地清洁和补充过滤物料。
In addition , more regular cleansing and replenishment of filter materials should be conducted if the water quality is poor andor fish stock density is high 此外,如缸内的水质变差及或所饲养的活鱼数目较多,亦应更频密地清洁和补充过滤物料。